Intro 0:00
Welcome to the Naturally Healthy Pets podcast. Let's get to it.
Dr. Judy Morgan 0:05
Hello, and welcome to the Naturally Healthy Pets podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Judy Morgan. My guest today is Lisa Tully. And we are going to have a great conversation about a topic that we don't talk about near enough. And that's the emotional health of our pets. And what they're our title today is how a happier you makes a happier pet. So Lisa is a professional animal healer from Ireland. She has an international practice working with dogs and cats using a multi layered holistic approach. And she gets to the root cause of their emotional or physical problems to bring lasting healing using natural botanicals right up my alley, so that they can live longer and stronger by our side. Lisa, welcome. That this is such a cool topic. I absolutely love this.
Lisa Tully
Oh, thank you so much for having me. I can't I just can't wait to get going with it Dr. Judy
Dr. Judy Morgan
so how did you get started doing this? This is this is it's something we all should understand. But we don't because we go through our frustrations of the day and we come home and we're mad and we're throwing things and our pets are just like Hi Mom.
Dr. Judy Morgan 1:15
Oh, you had a bad day?
Lisa Tully 1:18
Absolutely, yeah, they live our emotions. And it kind of found me in a way I've always had a huge affinity for animals. And I, when I was in school, I worked in a vet's for a while. And then I did a science degree. And I got into vet school, but the fees were too high. So I do yeah, my dream just kind of went to sleep. But it's interesting where life takes you because I then worked in pharma for a while and I just got a real science based background. And then I started to meditate Judy and when I meditated, I realized that there was a lot more to healing and supporting us and animals. Right. And then I was spending a lot of time meditating once I was in India for a significant amount of time. And that woke up a real deep sense within me to connect with animals far more profoundly. So I went with that. And I did a professional training as an animal communicator. And when I started to work as an animal communicator, that's when I started to notice that when the animal was stressed, the person was stressed in some form or another. So I, I knew I needed more tools. So then I trained in flower essences. And they're a beautiful way of going to Inter, you know, helping the human almost heal alongside the animal literally, as they're stroking the essences into their coats, very clever. It's so easy to do. But that wasn't enough, I then started to work and collaborate with holistic vets here in Ireland. And I got a little bit frustrated when I came across physical cases. And I was always just passing them on to the homeopathic vets. And I just thought, Lisa, up your game. So what I did, what I did then was I trained in five elements, Chinese medicine for animals, and then I trained in zoo pharmacognosy, where they self select their own remedies. Yeah. Right. And then it just all came together.
Lisa Tully 3:27
Yeah, just this mishmash. So no, no matter what case comes in front of me, I'll have a go.
Dr. Judy Morgan 3:35
That's very good. You know, it's just one of those things that I say it all the time, the more tools you have in your toolbox, the better results you're gonna get. So that's, that's amazing.
Lisa Tully
Yeah, yeah. And I also use your food therapy recipes with a lot of my clients as well. So yeah,
Dr. Judy Morgan
well, it does help. And I have done a lot of talks on changing behavior by changing what's in the bowl or on the platter or however you're feeding your pet. But it can make a huge difference if we if we rebalance them. So let's talk about human to animal mirroring. What is that?
Lisa Tully
Yeah, so this is the concept that I you know, keeps me awake at night because I'm so fascinated by it. So it's when I work with animals, and they present to me with a certain condition, or an emotional or physical condition, I will always kind of look at the broader picture. So say for example, you have an extremely anxious dog, right it is terrified to go on walks and there's all this kind of stuff going on. Well, I will look at both ends of the lead. And I will say you know, I'll say okay, the dog is anxious and are you anxious like and often the person will say that you know, I am and a real a real turning point for me, was around the time of COVID Judy. To give you an idea.
Lisa Tully 5:00
I was working with dogs who are reactive on the lead maybe one every two weeks, that was my average flow. But when COVID kicked in, and we had all the lock downs, I was working on two of those a week, right? Because as people got stress, and became quite boundaried, and reactive, went down the lead, and the dogs just acted it out. Right. So that really made me rechange my work. Because when I saw that happening, and I wasn't getting the results as quick as I was before. So what I did then was I started to consciously voice to the people, that's when I call them out a little bit. And I said to the Guardians, I said, are you overreacting to this right now? Are you terrified? Is it causing you to be defensive, you got to own it, because if you don't own it, I'm not going to get the results because the dog isn't going to stop. This is a state of, you know, emotional emergency for a lot of people. And so that just rocketed this kind of area of my work Judy. And then what I do is I now whittle it down to actual physical conditions as well.
Lisa Tully 6:10
So to give you an idea, I had a client who had severe pancreatitis, right for many, many years, constantly going back and forth to the vets and not getting just on antibiotics. So we traced it back to when the actual pancreatitis began. And I said to her, okay, the emotional pattern behind pancreatitis is rejection, anger, life has lost its sweetness. So I said to her what happened around the time when your dog developed this chronic pancreatitis, I broke up with my partner.
Lisa Tully 6:43
We were living in the same house, we had to move out and the dog just locked into this pattern. That's not to say there wasn't a physical imbalances going on. Before that, well you look at that as well. You use that with the herbs with the essential oils, the flower essences, all that kind of stuff. And then you bring in the food therapy. But then what happens is I've developed a process where the animals not only select their own botanicals, they'll select an essence mix for their person. I do this through dousing, right? So when the animal selects the mix, it tells a story, right? It tells an emotional story, and I say to the person, this is what they selected for you. Does it resonate? And they're just like, yes.
Dr. Judy Morgan 7:30
Very cool.
Lisa Tully 7:32
So you come at it from both angles, right? You come out of from the top of the lead and the bottom of the lead. And that's when you can really pop cases, you know, that I've haven't popped for ages.
Dr. Judy Morgan
It's funny. I have two dogs who are two years old, who are so reactive. And they were COVID babies.
Lisa Tully 7:55
Here we go.
Dr. Judy Morgan 7:57
The one is I got him when he was like 14 weeks old because he has hydrocephalus and he has all these birth genetic problems. And so you know, who do you call when you have a special needs dog that you need to place you call a veterinarian and say you need a special needs done. And we had moved on to our 23 acre farm and you know, kind of out by ourselves. Nobody comes to visit us and we don't go anywhere. And so that dog never left our farm and the backyard for a year and a half. And I decided to take him with us when we were going to buy a new truck. So we took him into town. He was great in the car. Get out when we're in town. He blew his mind. He he he he was like, Oh my gosh, traffic. He wanted to chase every truck, car. He's like trying to fly out of my arms. He wanted to bite every person he saw and I was like, Oh my gosh, I did this to you. Like he was so reactive. And then then we put in a driveway alarm to let us know when deliveries and things are coming up our long driveway. Oh my gosh. That sent him through the roof.
Dr. Judy Morgan 9:13
So, this poor dog. I need to I need to start him on some flower essence. He's great. He's an awesome dog until somebody comes to visit
Lisa Tully
yes so he just kind of leaves it needs a little bit of a reset doesn't he?
Dr. Judy Morgan
He needs a total reset and then we bought him or we adopted another dog so we got our dog a dog and their best friends so it was like the best thing we ever did because they're the same age they're like three days apart and they wrestle all the time and they play but he's now trained the second dog to be just as reactive.
Dr. Judy Morgan 9:47
yeah it's a little crazy and I think I think I will try some flower essences. I'm gonna give them to me too.
Lisa Tully 9:55
do it. You know it makes it and the thing is is like when you stroke the flower essences into them like they respond like they're just like, ah, you know, people always say that to be they love those essences they get so excited. yeah, they pick up on the vibrations.
Dr. Judy Morgan
It's very, very cool. So yeah, I mean what if we're stressed and anxious or, you know busy flying around and not taking time to sit down and chillax once in a while, I definitely see the impact. And we were talking before we went on air that I did these stool sample tests on my cat. So I've got the nine outdoor cats that are raw fed, living a normal cat life, they get to go hang out in their nice warm greenhouse or in their warm kitty cat houses plugged in in the barn.
Dr. Judy Morgan 10:49
And they're there they're out doing cat life and then my two indoor cats who don't want to go out they're afraid of the new environment outside, their stool sample inflammatory markers for stress are through the roof because they're not doing normal cat things. And and our dogs think that they look like nice chew toys, frankly.
Dr. Judy Morgan 11:15
So the poor cats they spend all their life up high getting away. Thankfully, I have small dogs but you know, the cats are always up high. We we do have vertical spaces. And that's another thing that we don't look at the home environment, particularly for indoor cats.
Dr. Judy Morgan 11:30
And I read I read some study that said that it was ridiculous number like 80 to 90% of indoor cats are highly stressed all the time.
Lisa Tully 11:40
Oh, absolutely. And you know, they, they this is where I'll bring you like bring it back to the witches right? The witches always had a cat
Lisa Tully 11:50
you know, and there's a reason for that is like cats will move around your home and sleep in different places because their their vibration of their purr transmits negative energy and stress in the home. Okay, it's literally a form of sound therapy, and it's why their bones heal much quicker than dogs. Okay, because the vibration of their purr. So if you imagine an indoor cat, they're doing all this work. But I believe what needs to happen after they do that is they need to go outside. And they need to literally lie on the earth and lie in the sun to reset their nervous system and to release this human stuff. And if an indoor cat chooses not to do because your cats choose not to go outside or there, they literally can't go outside. They literally they can't decompress. You know.
Dr. Judy Morgan 12:41
That's very interesting. I may throw them out on the patio for a little bit. We need to take a break to hear from our sponsor, and we're going to talk more about this. This is just a fascinating subject so stay tuned.
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Dr. Judy Morgan 13:59
welcome back. You're listening to Naturally Healthy Pets podcast. I'm your host Dr. Judy Morgan and my guest today Lisa Tully is a professional animal healer from Ireland. And we're talking about how our emotions and our pets' emotions are so so so intertwined. So what are things we can do to help our poor animals that we're just torturing with our, with our lifestyles?
Lisa Tully 14:31
With our stuff? Yeah, you know, one thing that I get people to do is I get them to meditate with their animals. All right. Yeah. So I have created a lot of meditation recordings that I would give to my clients and it gives the opportunity for people to take a breath. They are guided meditations. So if you're not a, you know, a serious meditator, you can do them. But what I always say to people as well as watch the response of your animal when you start meditating, there's two things that I find that they do. They'll either cuddle up beside you and go, Oh, thank God, or sit on your lap. Finally she's got the message, or they run out of the room.
Lisa Tully 15:08
they run out of room, like a bat out of hell, because you've got your metal element types that are just so boundaried or your water elements, you know, and they're just nervous, and they're kind of, I can't be around this, I need my space. And then you got the earth and the fires and the woods. So this kind of curl up beside you, and they're like, let's do this. So that's a really, really powerful way. And the you can consciously bring them into the meditation with you as well. So that's, and then you see, you're, you're becoming a better, more relaxed person. And that's what they need.
Dr. Judy Morgan
Absolutely. You know, it's really interesting talking about how our animals not only take on our emotions, but I, I met a woman who became a friend who was I don't think she, she, I, you know, whether we call her a communicator or a medium.
Dr. Judy Morgan 15:57
But she, you know, she could talk to, like, figure out what was going on in our heads and figure out what's going on in our animals' heads. And so I had her on the phone, we were kind of talking about how what we were doing was impacting our animals. And at the time, we had a cat with lung cancer, and a dog with lung cancer. The cat was 21. And the dog was 17. And she said, Oh, my gosh, your animals are taking on? What? What is going on in your family or with what they don't want going on in your family? So of course, being a veterinarian, I own an x ray machine. So what did I do? We all ran to the clinic and took a chest X ray.
Dr. Judy Morgan 16:48
Thankfully, we were all fine. But my animals, clearly we're taking on something.
Dr. Judy Morgan 16:56
And because it's really weird to have lung cancer in I mean, we had 10 animals in the hospital still two have to at the same time. A little weird.
Lisa Tully 17:03
absolutely, absolutely and like one of the key emotions behind lung cancer would be grief.
Dr. Judy Morgan 17:12
Interesting. Well, yeah, sure. Grief is the is the emotion with the metal element. Yeah. Which is lung. Well, that's that that's kind of interesting. My, my dad, my mom and dad were living with us and my dad had very advanced Parkinson's disease. So I think, you know, there was a lot of this.
Dr. Judy Morgan 17:33
You know, like, the pre grieving like, you know, The anticipation. So that's very interesting. That's, yeah, cool.
Lisa Tully
Yeah. And then also, like, if you go deeper into it, if you think of cancerous tumors and things like that, like that would be long standing hurts, and resentments that haven't been resolved. Okay, so you can kind of trace it back and see, you know, obviously, if animals come into your life at different times different people come in the house, it's, it's sometimes it's tracking to see which person they're mirroring, right. So if you had your parents live with you, and things like that, it's just, it's sometimes it's opening it up to the family and saying, Okay, this is what's going on. And usually the person will know that they will. And I was doing, I did a call there recently, one of my doggy clients, who has pneumonia from Pseudomonas. Okay, so they're trying to clear it
Lisa Tully 18:31
with the vet and stuff like that, but they're going this route as well. And as I was talking, literally, as I was talking, I said, after the animals mirror, I said, if you're going to work with me, are you going to be open to that? Because it's a big thing. What does the dog do? And I said, lungs, you know, can we not breathing in life afraid to take in? So if the dog walks over and lies against the man's chest, and he never does that? They're like, he's not cuddly. Like, he never does that. Like, okay, note.
Lisa Tully 19:05
That's where it's coming from, you know?
Dr. Judy Morgan 19:08
So cool. Man, there's, okay. I need to, like, dial you up and have a long session.
Lisa Tully 19:22
Yeah, that's it. We know. We'll figure out what's going on. What's the message? They have a message? You know, in our conditions,
Dr. Judy Morgan
I think I just need to follow my outdoor cats, because they're just like the happiest like, well, well balanced because they're doing what they're supposed to be doing. And you know, like, so many of us aren't, either aren't doing what we're supposed to be doing or we get so bound up in. So I'm a wood personality. So my liver Qi stagnation is
Lisa Tully 19:54
to the roof.
Dr. Judy Morgan 19:58
Really not cool and you know, my my little reactive dogs, I'm sure are feeding off that.
Lisa Tully
Yes, yes, they're Yeah, they're channeling your liver energy. You know what, what what just came to mind there as well is like the two cats you have that are indoor. Right we were just saying before that you when you moved from New Jersey to North Carolina you move from a more suburban area to a more rural area and for cats that can be a big change and they might want to go outside and I've seen that with my cats as well. But it could also be about just being open to the concept of okay, they are afraid to go outside there's a lot of animals there's a lot of smells that definitely is a reality. But is there a human in the house you know, you have a busy house is there someone are on some level, afraid to try new territories afraid to try new things afraid to put themselves out
Dr. Judy Morgan 21:00
You know, it's it's, I'm a wood but I'm moving into a more fearful stage of life.
Lisa Tully 21:05
Dr. Judy Morgan
so and we had a very serious accident in our RV back in the summer. And so now I have this huge fear of when we we used to love road trips. And now I'm like white knuckle all the time. So like I'm happy to stay home.
Lisa Tully 21:29
There you go.
Dr. Judy Morgan
You know, so I have a snuggle with my reactive dogs.
Lisa Tully 21:35
And with your indoor cats
Dr. Judy Morgan 21:38
Oh, they don't even come out to snuggle. They're like they are hiding up top there. And neither of them well one of them snuggly the other one. Man you can even pet him. He's always been like that since he was a kitten. He you get one pet like he comes up Oh, pet me and you give him one pet and then he's like,
Dr. Judy Morgan 21:55
he's been that way. That's I don't know why
Lisa Tully 22:01
born that way,
Dr. Judy Morgan
uh, pretty much
Dr. Judy Morgan 22:05
these were shelter cat mamas, that we used to do all the spay neuter for the shelter. And if, if the mama was full term pregnant, when we spayed them, we were supposed to kill the kittens because they couldn't go back to the shelter. So of course, you know, being who we are working in the vet clinic we're like, kill these full term kittens. So we would just take them home and bottle feed them. And so these are bottle babies, and the two older ones that are inside, we have always found that when they don't grow up with Mama, and they're bottle babies, a lot of times they are emotionally. Not all there.
Lisa Tully 22:45
Yeah, absolutely. So there's some healing there that were you know, because they didn't get the proper nourishment from Mom's milk in the small intestine. And okay, that's a big thing. That's a big thing for them. Yeah. Well, yeah, I'd say like for them just, you know, explore it yourself. I think there's always possibilities. I've changed animals, you know, and just having like, even chatting to your cats and kind of going, is this a thing? Are we all afraid to go outside? Can we get over it?
Lisa Tully 23:14
And see, you know, just let them know, I've seen the mirroring. I'm aware of it. You can let it go now. And that can also shift them.
Dr. Judy Morgan
You know, it's funny, my daughter lives next door, and she has one cat who used to not go outside. Now he loves to go outside. And he he walks from her house over to our house all the time. And man he wants to be friends with our cats. And they're like you are not part of our clowder and you are not allowed in and they just beat him up all the time.
Lisa Tully 23:41
Oh, no.
Dr. Judy Morgan 23:45
So poor Edward. He's like, I just want to have a friend and our cats are like no.
Lisa Tully 23:51
Bless him, get him another cat as well.
Dr. Judy Morgan
He had another cat and that cat passed from cancer not too long ago. And now the person who lives with Gwen is allergic to cats. So getting a second cat at this point. She's like, No, I'm just gonna keep letting Edward out and sooner or later your cats are just gonna have to accept him as part of the clowder
Lisa Tully 24:11
Oh, bless them. They're very they're very boundaried aren't they?
Dr. Judy Morgan
Yes because we had two litters of kittens born. You know, the problem with stray cats. We had two litters of kittens born within a couple of weeks of each other so that they all grew up as a group and so they are very bonded these nine cats. And
this is our this is our clique and nobody else can come in.
Lisa Tully 24:37
Sure. Yeah.
Dr. Judy Morgan 24:40
So cats are cats are really interesting. but I find the dogs mirroring humans. I mean, so many consultations that I have done with people where they're like, Oh, my dog is so nervous. My dog is so anxious and you know, he's always got inflammatory bowel disease. In talking to the people I'm like, Oh my gosh, you're you're the helicopter mom.
Dr. Judy Morgan 25:00
Who? Just, you know, you're, you're just on top of them all the time. Like, what's going on what's going on? Of course they have IBD
Lisa Tully
Yeah. No, absolutely. And it's like, you know, I had a I had a case where the dog had mega esophagus and really severe and we've we've cracked the case because with combination with a holistic vet because every time the person gets nervous, he gets the symptoms like he's much better now. Well, he's he's like touch wood in remission. But it'll come back when she gets over anxious. So he's our barometer now.
Lisa Tully 25:39
Yeah, you when you're not well, he's not well, and he straightaway acts it you know,
Dr. Judy Morgan
wow. Wow. This is so cool. So, for those of you who want more information, do a deeper dive. This is so cool.
Dr. Judy Morgan 25:56
AnimalHealing, Lisa Tully is her tag for LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook. Do you have a website too?
Lisy Tully
Yeah, my website is
Dr. Judy Morgan Because it's an Ireland.
Dr. Judy Morgan 26:12
Just the coolest stuff. And she does offer a free meditation that you can do with your animals to connect with them on a deeper level and heal together. And it's part of the opt in for her mailing list. But that is so so cool. I am gonna go check out your website. You'll probably be talking to me because I got a couple things we got a straighten out at our house.
Lisa Tully 26:33
let's do it.
Dr. Judy Morgan
Thank you so much for being my guest. This was so so much fun. I really enjoyed this conversation. I think we'll do more work together.
Lisa Tully
Great. Thanks a million. I loved it Judy.
Thanks for listening to another great Naturally Healthy Pets episode. Be sure to check out the show notes for some helpful links. And if you enjoy the show, please be sure to follow and listen for free on your favorite podcast app. We value your feedback and we'd love to hear from you on how we're doing. Visit for healthy product recommendations, comprehensive courses, upcoming events and other fantastic resources. Until next time, keep giving your pet the vibrant life they deserve.
The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. It is no substitute for professional care by a veterinarian, licensed nutritionist or other qualified professional. You're encouraged to do your own research and should not rely on this information as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Dr. Judy and her guests express their own views, experience and conclusions. Dr. Judy Morgan's Naturally Healthy Pets neither endorses or opposes any particular view discussed here.